Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

10 Ergebnisse.

Logik der Angst

Neumann, Peter R.
Logik der Angst
Die Mordserie des NSU (2000-2006), der Terroranschlag von Anders Breivik (2011), das Attentat in München (2016), das Massaker von Christchurch, der Mord an Walter Lübcke (2019), die Anschläge von Halle (2019) und Hanau (2020): Rechtsextreme Gewalt beschäftigt uns schon lange - und in den letzten Jahren besonders massiv. Mit Wahlerfolgen radikaler Parteien, wie zuletzt in Schweden und Italien, droht der Rechtsextremismus mehrheitsfähig zu werde...

CHF 30.50

Die neue Weltunordnung

Neumann, Peter R.
Die neue Weltunordnung
Russland beginnt einen Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine, nur wenige Monate zuvor erleben die USA in Afghanistan ein außenpolitisches Debakel, und längst ist der Systemrivale China zur entscheidenden Supermacht aufgestiegen - der Westen steckt in einer nie da gewesenen Krise. Dabei schien der Siegeszug noch vor kurzem unaufhaltsam: Nach dem Ende des Kalten Krieges setzte sich im ehemaligen Ostblock die demokratische Marktwirtschaft durch, Russla...

CHF 33.50


Neumann, Peter R
Persuasively shows how Trump's America has mortgaged its security for short-term approval ratings.

CHF 31.50


Neumann, Peter R.
The attacks in Paris in January and November 2015 heralded the beginning of a new wave of terrorism one rooted in the ongoing conflict in Syria and Iraq. As ISIS seeks to expand its reach in the Middle East, its territory serves as a base for training and operations for a new generation of jihadis. Thousands of young people from the West, primarily from Europe, have travelled to join ISIS, re-emerging as hardened fighters with military trainin...

CHF 30.90

The Strategy of Terrorism

Neumann, Peter R / Smith, M L R
The Strategy of Terrorism
This is the first book to set out a comprehensive framework by which to understand terrorism as strategy, contending that even terrorism of the supposedly nihilist variety can be viewed as a bona fide method for distributing means to fulfil the ends of policy, that is, as a strategy.

CHF 83.00

Radicalized: New Jihadists and the Threat to the West

Neumann, Peter R. / Hillgartner, Malcolm / Starritt, Alexander
Radicalized: New Jihadists and the Threat to the West
The 2015 Paris and San Bernardino terrorist attacks heralded the beginning of a new wave of terrorism―one rooted in the ongoing conflict in Syria and Iraq that shows the possibility of foreign attackers working with citizens of the country. As ISIS seeks to expand its reach in the Middle East, its territory serves as a training and operations base for a new generation of jihadis. Young people from the West, primarily from Europe, have traveled...

CHF 46.50

Radicalized: New Jihadists and the Threat to the West

Neumann, Peter R. / Hillgartner, Malcolm / Starritt, Alexander
Radicalized: New Jihadists and the Threat to the West
The 2015 Paris and San Bernardino terrorist attacks heralded the beginning of a new wave of terrorism―one rooted in the ongoing conflict in Syria and Iraq that shows the possibility of foreign attackers working with citizens of the country. As ISIS seeks to expand its reach in the Middle East, its territory serves as a training and operations base for a new generation of jihadis. Young people from the West, primarily from Europe, have traveled...

CHF 47.50

The Strategy of Terrorism

Neumann, Peter R. / Smith, M.L.R.
The Strategy of Terrorism
This work sets out a comprehensive framework by which to understand terrorism as strategy, contending that terrorism - even of the supposedly nihilist variety - can be viewed as a bona fide method for distributing means to fulfil the ends of policy as a strategy.

CHF 190.00